Kensington Architectural Controls
Kensington was designed to be a well-connected, attractive, walkable community surrounded by amenities that provide convenient access to schools, services, shopping, and recreation. It’s the little details such as full front porches, building materials, decorative street lighting, and community signage that create a warm and inviting environment.
The architectural guidelines selected by Saskatoon Land are an integral component in creating a comprehensive community vision that serves to strengthen streetscapes and foster diversity amongst housing choices while still creating a community wide unifying theme.
It is very important to build homes that are appropriate for the size and grade of the lot. There are a variety of lot types in Kensington, which will need to be designed accordingly. Each of the lot types has their own Architectural and Development Controls which are registered on each individual land title. Within each category, there are also a number of subcategories with varied requirements depending upon different siting attributes.
Architectural Control Application Form
These architectural controls apply to all lots regardless of Dwelling Style, Phase, and Lot Type. All submitted dwelling plans must address the items listed below. |
These architectural controls are specific to the dwelling Phase and Lot Type. All submitted dwelling plans must address the items listed below in addition to the General Architectural Controls. |
Repetition |
Phase 5 |
Phase 6 |
Phase 7 |
These controls apply to lots regardless of phase and lot type and are in addition to the controls found in the "Specific Architectural Controls" section below.
Front Entry
Front Door Placement
It is strongly encouraged that the front door of a dwelling be visible on the front facade by directly facing the fronting street. If the door does not face the street, a combination of architectural elements such as front window enhancements, verandas, additional front accent materials or other architectural elements must be added to enhance the dwelling entrance.
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Example of acceptable front door placement. If the front door does not face the street additional architectural elements are required. |
Depending on Saskatoon Land’s evaluation of any submitted plans, especially those that satisfy only the “minimum” requirements, Saskatoon Land may require architectural details such as the following:
Columns & Entry features
For lots that require an architecturally significant entry feature, features should be consistent with the overall architectural style of the dwelling. This may include the use of covered verandas, modern contemporary interpretations of pergolas or covered entry features.
In the event that columns are used, column styles should be consistent with the overall architectural style of the dwelling. This might include the use of wide-based, tapered columns with stone detailing at the column base for craftsman style dwellings, cedar-clad columns for modern contemporary style dwellings, or columns with masonry cladding along the full length of the column for traditional-style dwellings.
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Modern interpretation of a pergola entry. |
Covered entry feature with supporting column. Preferred 10"x10" columns or greater. |
Covered entry feature with supporting columns. |
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Covered veranda with substantial columns. |
Wide-based, tapered columns with stone detailing. Preferred tapered columns with 12" x 12" base and 8" x 8" top. |
Wide-based columns with stone detailing. Preferred 10" x 10" columns or greater. |
Stairs & Entry Features
Stair systems, landings and verandas must be enclosed on all sides. Using steel risers on stairs is permitted as long as the steel is not visible and encased by wood. Untreated plywood (not painted or stained) and/or OSB are not acceptable enclosure materials.
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Examples of acceptable stairs and entry features. |
The same elevations should not be repeated on adjacent properties or directly across the street. For adjacent properties, a change in architectural form and detailing is required. Examples of acceptable changes include, but are not limited to, the following: roof and dormer orientation and slope, front attached garage roof style or orientation, the size and location of windows and doors, colours and finish materials.
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Example of variation in elevations. |
Attached Garage Placement
In addition to the architectural controls noted below, for lots that require the construction of an attached garage, a separate interest will be registered against the title of each single-unit lot indicating which side of the lot the garage must be placed against in Phase 2 and 3 only. The intent of this control is to pair garages together along a common property line in order to provide a better streetscape appearance and improved sightlines. The garage side placements are shown in the Lot Information Packages (located below) for each phase and will be included in the Agreement for Sale.
Corner Garage Placement Requirements
All corner lots that require an attached garage in Phase 2 & 3 have the following caveat registered on title: The garage must be located on the side of the property that is furthest from the intersection.
All corner lots that require an attached garage in Phase 4 have the following in the Agreement for Sale: The garage must be located on the side of the property that is furthest from the intersection.
The image below demonstrates the permitted options for the placement of an attached garage on a corner lot, attached to the front of the house furthest from the street corner or attached to the rear of the house.
Landscaping Requirements
Front yard landscaping* and front driveways are mandatory in order to improve the curb appeal of newly built dwellings in Brighton.
*Front yard landscaping includes the boulevard adjacent to the lot.
The width of a driveway must not be the same width of the lot as some portion of the front yard must be landscaped. Contact Saskatoon Land for narrow lots with limited frontage.
To comply with Architectural Controls, Landscaping AND Driveway must be completed.
Landscaping Requirement
As part of The Tree Protection Bylaw, 2024, the City is requiring those working around City trees to obtain a Tree Permit prior to the start of a project. Beginning September 1, 2024, Tree Permits will be required for all work within six metres of a City tree, including construction, demolition and major landscaping.
The material scope includes materials and services rendered for the installation of sod, artificial turf*, topsoil, trees, shrubs, plant materials, hardscape elements, irrigation components, and edging.
- *artificial turf must be pre-approved by Saskatoon Land.
- xeriscape yards must be pre-approved by Saskatoon Land.
The following minimum standards apply:
1. Topsoil installed to a minimum depth of 100mm;
2. Sod (seeded lawns are not acceptable) “Sod laying shall be performed during the active growing season for type of sod. Sodding during dry periods, at freezing temperatures or over frozen soil is unacceptable.” Canadian Landscape Standards, 2017; and
3. A minimum of one (1) tree of a species suitable for Saskatoon's climate and soil types must be planted in the front yard of the following minimum size:
a) Deciduous trees must have a minimum 45mm caliper measured 1.8m above ground; and
b) Coniferous trees must be at a minimum 1.8m in height.
To align with the City of Saskatoon Water Conservation Strategy, water reduction on front yard landscaping is encourage; however, landscape plans must be submitted prior to installing xeriscape and turf for review by Saskatoon Land staff. Xeriscaped and artificial turf front yards will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Saskatoon Land.
For xeriscape yards, the following minimum standards apply:
1. A minimum of one (1) tree is required to the same standards as outlined above. If you wish to substitute the tree for additional vegetation you must contact Saskatoon Land for approval;
2. All xeriscapes must include a mix of hardy shrubs. The minimum shrub requirement is three (3) shrubs with 2m spread at full growth; however, it is strongly encouraged to go beyond the minimum standard; and
3. Acceptable ground covers include mulch, rock, native grasses and wildflowers, and perennials. Rock ground cover is only permitted to cover 30% of the landscape. The remaining 70% must be covered by mulch or vegetation that is not sod such as perennial plant ground cover and/or native grasses and wildflowers.
For artificial turf yards, the following minimum standards apply:
1. Artificial turf must be multi-blend (a combinations of various grass strand colors and/or materials used to mimic the aesthetic appearance of natural grass);
2. Artificial turf must be UV resistant;
3. Artificial turf must accommodate drainage.
Lot purchasers can request their preference of available tree species for the City-owned portion of their front and/or side yard (boulevard space). The yard must be up-to-grade before a tree request can be processed and the tree planting site must meet minimum spacing requirements and be cleared of all above and below ground utilities to be approved as a plant site. The homeowner is responsible for watering the new tree unless otherwise noted. Refer to the City of Saskatoon website at for more information.
Architectural Controls Deposit
Starting in Phase 7 and onward, any Eligible Contractor that purchases a lot and fails to comply with all architectural requirements may be suspended from further lot allocations and be subject to provision of a $7,500 performance bond for each non-complying lot on future purchases to achieve compliance. Individuals that purchase lots will be required to provide a $7,500 (separate cheque or bank draft) at the time of Agreement signing, which would be released upon the architectural control inspection.
Licensed Landscaping Contractor
For Phase 1-5, where rebates are permitted, all landscape services and installation must be performed by qualified companies holding a valid City of Saskatoon Business License, Contractor License, or Non-Resident Contractor License. For Phase 7 and onward, where performance bonds are permitted, landscaping can be completed by the Lot Purchaser if done well to Saskatoon Land standards.
City Boulevards (Combined Monolithic Walk & Curb)
For areas with combined walk and curb, the lot purchaser is required to landscape the boulevard up to the inside sidewalk edge (back of sidewalk).
City Boulevards (Separate Walk & Curb)
For areas with separate walk and curb, the lot purchaser is required to landscape the boulevard space between the outer sidewalk edge and the curb-face, adjacent to the road top (boulevard). The landscaping of this area must complement the front yard landscaping in order to comply.
Front Yard Defined
With the exception of corner lots, the front yard is defined as the area between the front building wall and inside sidewalk edge and the side property line to side property line.
Corner Lots
On corner lots, landscaping must be completed for the entire length of the side-yard boulevard which abuts the flanking street.
Driveway Requirements
- Broom-finished
- Stamped and coloured
- Exposed aggregate and pavers
Architectural Controls Deposit
Starting in Phase 7 and onward, any Eligible Contractor that purchases a lot and fails to comply with all architectural requirements may be suspended from further lot allocations and be subject to provision of a $7,500 performance bond for each non-complying lot on future purchases to achieve compliance. Individuals that purchase lots will be required to provide a $7,500 (separate cheque or bank draft) at the time of Agreement signing, which would be released upon the architectural control inspection.
Licensed Contractor
For Phase 4 & 5, where rebates are permitted, all front driveway services and installation must be performed by qualified companies holding a valid City of Saskatoon Business License, Contractor License, or Non-Resident Contractor License. For Phase 7 and onward, where performance bonds are permitted, driveways can be completed by the Lot Purchaser (or an contractor hired by the Lot Purchaser) if done well to Saskatoon Land standard and is one of the driveway types noted above.
Front Driveway Defined
(Combined Monolithic Walk & Curb)
The front driveway is defined as the area between the front attached garage and the inside edge of the sidewalk.
(Separate Walk & Curb)
The front driveway is defined as the area between the front attached garage and the inside edge of the sidewalk and the outer sidewalk edge and the curb-face, adjacent to the road top (driveway apron). The driveway apron and the driveway must be of the same driveway type and material.
Corner Lots
Where an attached garage faces the side street and vertical curbing exists, the Transportation and Utilities Department (306-975-2460) must be contacted to determine the appropriate crossing allowances.
In addition to the controls outlined above, each phase and lot has specific architectural controls. The requirements listed in each lot type section are an absolute minimum. Saskatoon Land reserves the right to require further architectural treatment to any facade in order to satisfy the intentions of the architectural controls.
To find your lot, click on the appropriate phase of the community to learn more.
Phase 2 (Bentley Manor, Lane, Court, Way, Stromberg Court, Kensington Road, Steeves Avenue, and 33rd Street W)
Material Requirements
- On the front building facade, a minimum of two exterior building materials are required, with each material being no less than 100 square feet in area.
- On the front building facade, all trim materials shall provide contrast to the colour of the two exterior building materials being used.
- Trim features may not be counted as a material.
- The two materials being used must be distinctly different and discernible from each other. For example, the use of wide board vinyl siding and narrow board vinyl siding would not be permitted.
- In order to be included in the 100 square foot requirement, the material must be visible from the front street. Material wrapped around a column or architectural feature, facing a side or rear yard will not count towards the 100 square foot total.
The examples below satisfy the front facade exterior building material and trim requirements.
Please note that the plans submitted do not have to be in colour. Written text which clearly indicates the material usage and colour will suffice.
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340 square feet of vinyl siding and 140 square feet of cedar slats have been provided. A third material, 80 square feet of manufactured stone has also been provided. | 400 square feet of acrylic stucco is provided as the primary building material. 120 square feet of brick veneer is provided as the secondary building material. |
300 square feet of board and batten - vinyl siding is provided as the primary exterior building material. 100 square feet of manufactured stone is provided as the secondary building material. |
Lot Specifics Architectural Controls
Phase 2 Lot type Map
click on map
Phase 2 of Kensington features five lot types: Standard Lot - Attached Garage, Standard Lot - Attached Garage No Roof Pitch Requirement, Large Lot - Attached Garage, Narrow Lot - No Roof Pitch Requirement, and Narrow Lot On Collector Road - Rear Lane Access. It is essential to build homes that are appropriate for the size and grade of the lot.
Standard lot - Attached Garage
Standard Lot Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 1 to 7 & 11 to 15 Block 102 |
Lots 1 & 15, Block 102 |
These lots are generally less than 14 metres (46 ft) in width and require a smaller minimum house size and single-wide attached garage. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow or bi-level;
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling.
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum single-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 3.5 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- The roof pitch of the principal dwelling shall have a minimum 6-in-12 pitch;
- On the front building façade, a minimum of two exterior building materials are required, with each building material being no less than 100 square feet in area; and,
- On the front building façade, all trim materials shall provide contrast to the colour of the two exterior building materials being used.
Standard Lot - Attached Garage No Roof Pitch Requirement
Standard Lot - Attached Garage No Roof Pitch Requirement |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 31 to 62, Block 103Lots 14 to 20, Block 106Lots 19 to 26, Block 109 |
Lots 31 & 62, Block 103Lots 14, 21 & 37, Block 106Lots 19, Block 109 |
These lots are generally less than 14 metres (46 ft) in width and require a smaller minimum house size and single-wide attached garage. These lots have no roof slope requirement. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow or bi-level;
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum single-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 3.5 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- Garages shall not protrude more than 2.4 metres (8 feet) from any façade of any habitable floor area of the dwelling.
- On the front building façade, a minimum of two exterior building materials are required, with each building material being no less than 100 square feet in area; and,
- On the front building façade, all trim materials shall provide contrast to the colour of the two exterior building materials being used.
If the dwelling is within the Craftsmen Group Home Lots area (see map above), additional requirements apply. See the Craftsmen Home Group Requirements for more information.
Large Lot - Attached Garage
Large Lot - Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 1 to 13, Block 106lots 1 to 7, Block 107Lots 1 to 15, Block 108Lots 1 to 18, Block 109Lots 1 to 20, Block 111Lots 1 to 11, Block 112 |
Lots 1 & 13, Block 106Lots 1 & 7, Block 107Lots 1, 8, 9 & 15, Block 108Lots 1 & 18, Block 109Lot 1, Block 111Lot 1, Block 112 |
These lots are generally more than 14 metres (46 ft) in width and require a larger minimum house size and double-wide attached garage. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a bungalow, bi-level or split-level dwelling;
- 1,500 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling;
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum double-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 5.4 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- The roof of the principal dwelling shall have a minimum 6-in-12 pitch;
- On the front building façade, a minimum of two exterior building materials are required, with each building material being no less than 100 square feet in area; and,
- On the front building façade, all trim materials shall provide contrast to the colour of the two exterior building materials being used.
If the dwelling is within the Craftsmen Group Home Lots area (see map above), additional requirements apply. See the Craftsmen Home Group Requirements for more information.
Narrow Lot - Rear Lane Access No Roof Pitch Requirement
Narrow Lot - Rear Lane Access No Roof Pitch Requirement |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 1 to 14, Block 104Lots 1 to 14, Block 105 |
Lots 1, 7, 8 & 14, Block 104Lots 1, 7, 8 & 14, Block 105 |
These lots have rear lane access and are generally less than 10.4 metres (34 ft) in width. They require a smaller minimum house size and the construction of full front porches and concrete garage pads. These lots have no roof pitch requirement. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow, or bi-level;
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling;
- All dwelling units shall be bungalows, raised bungalows, bi-levels, or two-storeys. Split-level dwellings are not permitted;
- All dwellings must be constructed with a concrete garage pad with access from the rear lane only. The concrete garage pad must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built with a minimum dimension of 6 metres wide and 6 metres long. The concrete pad shall be located at a minimum of 1.2 metres from the rear property line, and include a paved apron that connects it to the property line;
- All dwellings shall be constructed with covered front verandas. The minimum width of the front veranda for bungalows and bi-levels shall be half the width of the house façade. Two storey dwellings shall have front verandas across the entire width of the house façade. Verandas shall be partially enclosed with railings and spindles or other type of partial enclosure;
- On the front building façade, a minimum of two exterior building materials are required, with each material being no less than 100 square feet in area; and
- On the front building façade, all trim materials shall provide contrast to the colour of the two exterior building materials being used.
Narrow Lot On Collector Road - Rear Lane Access
Narrow Lot On Collector Road - Rear Lane Access |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lot 30, Block 103Lots 21 to 37, Block 106 |
Lot 30, Block 103NA |
These lots have rear lane access and are generally less than 10.4 metres (34 ft) in width. They require a smaller minimum house size, the construction of full front porches, concrete garage pads and are set back further from the street. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow, or bi-level;
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling;
- All dwelling units shall be bungalows, raised bungalows, bi-levels, or two-storeys. Split-level dwellings are not permitted;
- All dwellings must be constructed with a concrete garage pad with access from the rear lane only. The concrete garage pad must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built with a minimum dimension of 6 metres wide and 6 metres long. The concrete pad shall be located at a minimum of 1.2 metres from the rear property line, and include a paved apron that connects it to the property line;
- All dwellings shall be constructed with covered front verandas. The minimum width of the front veranda for bungalows and bi-levels shall be half the width of the house façade. Two storey dwellings shall have front verandas across the entire width of the house façade. Verandas shall be partially enclosed with railings and spindles or other type of partial enclosure;
- The roof of the principal dwelling shall have a minimum 6-in-12 pitch;
- The minimum front yard setback shall be 5 metres;
- On the front building façade, a minimum of two exterior building materials are required, with each material being no less than 100 square feet in area; and
- On the front building façade, all trim materials shall provide contrast to the colour of the two exterior building materials being used.
If the dwelling is within the Craftsmen Group Home Lots area (see map above), additional requirements apply. See the Craftsmen Home Group Requirements for more information.
Highly Visible Lots
Lots 1 & 15, Block 102
Lots 30, 31 & 62, Block 103
Lots 1, 7, 8 & 14, Block 104
Lots 1, 7, 8 & 14, Block 105
Lots 1, 13, 14, 21 & 37, Block 106
Lots 1 & 7, Block 107
Lots 1, 8, 9 & 15, Block 108
Lots 1, 18 & 19, Block 109
Lots 1, Block 111
Lots 1, Block 112
In order to improve the pedestrian streetscape and break up the monotony of a featureless side building wall, all corner lots and lots that are highly visible from a public area have the following building restriction caveats (BRC's) registered on title:
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, a secondary exterior building material is required, being no less than 40 square feet in area; and
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, window and/or door placement shall be provided at an area no less than five percent of the area of the side building wall.
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50 square feet of manufactured stone is provided along the side building elevation, which faces the flanking street. Three windows are provided along the side building wall having a total area of 32 square feet. | 80 square feet of cedar plank is provided along the side building elevation, which faces the street. Five windows are provided (each at 3'x5') resulting in a total window placement area of 75 square feet. | 50 square feet of manufactured stone is provided on the garage wall, which faces the flanking street, but is not the closest building wall to the flanking street and only 24 square feet of window area has been provided on the side building wall. |
Craftsmen Home Group Lots (Bentley Manor, Way, and Kensington Road)
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The primary objective of these guidelines is to establish a consistent Craftsman architectural theme for the Bentley Manor, Bentley Court and Kensington Road areas in the Kensington community. Craftsman homes are typically characterized by low-pitched gabled roofs, broad eaves, exposed beams and accents, dormers, front porches, the use of natural materials and more. Everything about the exterior design of a Craftsman home expresses an attractive streetscape. These guidelines provide a summary of key design elements builders must consider in their home designs. Homes within this phase do not have to incorporate every item listed in this document, however, house plans must demonstrate a substantial consistency with the spirit and intent of this document. |
Saskatoon Land is selling individual lots. Please visit the interactive map for availability.
Entry Features
Architecturally significant entry features should be provided on the front elevation, including partial or full verandas, tapered columns, overhangs and broad eaves.
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Tapered Columns - Wide based, tapered columns. |
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Front Doors - Partially paned front doors, with glass panels in the upper third of door, separated from the bottom panelled portion by thick trim. |
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Exposed Beams - Entry-way columns supporting exposed overhead beams or supports. |
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Verandas - Verandas which span a significant portion of the length of the front elevation. |
Garage Doors
Overhead garage doors must utilize one of the styles as illustrated, appropriate to the design of the house. On attached garage lots, garage doors comprise a significant portion of the front elevation. As a result, a Craftsman style garage door is a mandatory design element.
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Garage Door Trim - garage doors with wide bands of trim, and windows on the upper portion of the door. | Insets - garage Doors with insets with or without upper and lower sashes separated by muntin bars. |
Exterior Materials & Colour
Craftsman style homes should be finished in siding, shakes or stone/brick. More than one dominant finish must be used on any elevation visible from a street or public space, installed in layers separated by a wide horizontally installed trim board. Colours suited to the Craftsman style include deep earth tones and historic colours accented by heavy white trims.
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Trim Seperation - cement fibre siding and cedar shakes separated by wide trim board. | Brick or Stone Accents - the use of brick or stone cladding on facade accents, including at the base of a tapered column. | Board & Batten - the use of board and batten siding or shakes along roof gables. |
Highly Visible Treatments
Homes on corner lots require additional design considerations. Street or park flanking side elevations on corner lots must have full front elevation treatment in terms of window placement and architectural detailing consistent with the front elevation.
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Appropriate - side street flanking elevation utilizes Hardie board siding, stone accents, wide trim, varying roof-line, bump-outs and exposed beams. In this case, side elevation detailing is consistent with what is expected along a front elevation |
Inappropriate - side street flanking elevation primarily consists of Hardie board siding and a long wall, with minimal interruption in plane and one solid roof-line. |
Roof & Slope Treatments
Craftsman designs should incorporate moderately pitched (front, side or cross) gabled roofs with wide overhangs and design treatments to facilitate a high quality built form.
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Dormers - help to articulate the facade of a given elevation. The undulating roof shape enabled through the use of dormers helps break up long, straight sections of wall or roof areas. | Roof Pitch - front and side gables at a 5/12 roof pitch | Multiple Lines of Integrated Roof Forms - craftsman roofs should be made up of several integrated roof forms to reduce the overall mass of the home, while establishing visual interest. |
Architectural Treatments
Various architectural treatments that complement the overall house design and add visual interest to the facade should be incorporated including, angle braces, rafter tails, exposed beams, broad eaves, etc.
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Angle Braces - the use of decorative angle braces supporting canopy structure. | Exposed Rafter Tails - the use of open eaves or exposed rafter tails to increase visual interest and curb appeal. | Exposed Beams - the use of exposed beams above windows or below deep roof eaves. |
Windows & Trim
Windows should utilize one of the styles as illustrated, appropriate to the design of the house, with the incorporation of wide trim.
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Grills (both sashes) - vertical orientation with grills in upper and lower window sashes | Grills (top sash) - vertical orientation with grills in the top sash only. | Trim - the use a wide trim around all windows of a colour easily discernible from the colour of the exterior materials. |
The same elevations should not be repeated on adjacent properties or directly across the street. For adjacent properties, a change in architectural detailing is required. Examples of acceptable changes are, but not limited to, the following: roof and dormer orientation and slope, front attached garage roof style or orientation, the size and location of windows and doors, colours and finish materials.
Phase 3 (Ells Crescent, Way, Lane, LaBine Court, Terrace, Crescent, and Kensington Boulevard)
Material Requirements - Front Building Facade
Standard Lots
All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation with each material being no less than 50 square feet in area or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 25 square feet in area.
Large Lots
All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation with each material being no less than 75 square feet in area or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 40 square feet in area.
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This home utilizes cedar shakes along the roofline and stone accent features near the garage edges, with the balance of the facade consisting of Hardie Board siding. | This home features board and batten siding along the dormers, stone accents along the veranda columns, with the balance of the front facade consisting of vinyl siding. |
Trim features may not be counted as material. In order to be included towards the required material amount, the material must be visible from the front street. Material wrapped around a column or architectural feature, facing a side or rear yard will not count towards the required material total.
The materials being used should be distinctly different and discernible from each other. Contrast with the trim materials and exterior building material being used is also encouraged.
While Saskatoon Land does not formally regulate home repetition or colour palettes on a given block, where builders have purchased multiple adjacent lots, differing colour schemes and material types are encouraged.
Lot Specifics Architectural Controls
Phase 3 Lot Type Map
click on map
Phase 3 of Kensington features five lot types: Narrow Lot - Rear Lane Access, Standard Lot - Attached Garage, Walk-Out Basement Lot - Attached Garage, Large Lot - Attached Garage, and Large Lot - Attached Garage No Roof Pitch Requirement.
Narrow Lot - Rear Lane Access
Narrow Lot - Rear Lane Access |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 1 to 32, Block 221Lots 1 to 33, Block 222Lots 1 to 20, Block 223 |
Lots 1, 16, 17 & 32, Block 221Lots 1, 16, 17, & 33, Block 222Lots 1 & 20, Block 223 |
These lots have rear lane access and are generally less than 10.4 metres (34 ft) in width. They require a smaller minimum house size and the construction of front porches and concrete garage pads. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow or bi-level;
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling
- All dwelling units shall be bungalows, raised bungalows, bi-levels, or two-storeys. Split-level dwellings are NOT permitted;
All dwellings must be constructed with a concrete garage pad with access from the rear lane only. The concrete garage pad must be constructed at the same time the dwelling is built with a minimum dimension of 6 metres wide and 6 metres long. The concrete pad shall be located at a minimum of 1.2 metres from the rear property line, and include a paved apron that connects it to the rear property line. Note: Any garage or garage pad greater than 55 square metres is required to have their foundation drawings signed and sealed by a licensed Saskatchewan design professional;
- The roof pitch of the principal dwelling shall have a minimum 6-in-12 pitch;
- All dwellings shall be constructed with front verandas. The minimum width of the front verandas for bungalows and bi-levels shall be half the width of the house façade. Two-storey dwellings shall have front verandas across the entire width of the house façade. Verandas shall be partially enclosed with railings and spindles or other type of partial enclosure; and
- All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation, with each material being no less than 75 square feet in area, or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 40 square feet in area.
Standard Lot - Attached Garage
Standard Lot - Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 1 to 48, Block 214 |
Lot 1, Block 214 |
These lots are generally less than 14 metres (46 ft) in width and require a smaller minimum house size and single-wide attached garage. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which has an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow or bi-level;
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum single-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 3.5 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- Garages shall not protrude more than 2.4 metres (8 feet) from any façade of any habitable floor area of the dwelling.
- The roof of the principal dwelling shall have a minimum 6-in-12 roof pitch; and,
- All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation, with each material being no less than 50 square feet in area, or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 25 square feet in area.
Walk-Out Basement Lot - Attached Garage
Walk-Out Basement Lot - Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 1 to 11, Block 224 |
Lot 1, Block 224 |
These lots require a larger minimum house size and double-wide attached garage. These lots have also been graded to accommodate the design of a walk-out basement into the dwelling. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a bungalow, bi-level or split-level dwelling;
- 1,500 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling;
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum-double wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 5.4 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- The roof of the principal dwelling shall have a minimum 6-in-12 pitch;
- All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation with each material being no less than 75 square feet in area or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 40 square feet in area;
- All dwellings shall be constructed with direct access from the basement level to the backyard (“walkout units”); and
- Vinyl Siding is not permitted as an exterior building material on any of the elevations of the dwelling unit.
Large-Lot Attached Garage
Large-Lot Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 51 to 68, Block 214Lots 1 to 11, Block 220 |
Lot 68, Block 214Lots 1 & 11 Block 220 |
These lots require a larger minimum house size and double-wide attached garage. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a bungalow, bi-level or split-level dwelling;
- 1,500 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling;
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum double-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 5.4 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- The roof of the principal dwelling shall have a minimum 6-in-12 pitch;
- On the front building façade, a minimum of two exterior building materials are required, with each building material being no less than 75 square feet in area or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 40 square feet.
Large Lot - Attached Garage No Roof Pitch Requirement
Large-Lot Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 69 to 97, Block 214Lots 1 to 9, Block 219 |
Lot 69, Block 214Lots 1, Block 219 |
These lots require a larger minimum house size and double-wide attached garage. These lots do NOT require a specific roof pitch. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a bungalow, or bi-level;
- 1,500 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling;
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum double-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 5.4 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation, with each material being no less than 75 square feet in area, or a minimum of three exterior building materials being no less than 40 square feet in area; and
Highly Visible Lots
Lots 1, 68 & 69, Block 214
Lots 1, Block 219
Lots 1 & 11, Block 220
Lots 1, 16, 17 & 32, Block 221
Lots 1, 16, 17, & 33, Block 222
Lots 1 & 20, Block 223
Lots 1 & 11, Block 224
In order to improve the pedestrian streetscape and break up the monotony of a featureless side building wall, all corner lots and lots that are highly visible from a public area have the following building restriction caveats (BRC's) registered on title:
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, a secondary exterior building material is required, being no less than 40 square feet in area; and
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, window and/or door placement shall be provided at an area no less than five percent of the area of the side building wall.
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50 square feet of stone is provided along the building facade, which faces the flanking street. Three windows are provided along the side building wall having a total area of 32 square feet. | 80 square feet of cedar plank is provided along the side building elevation, which faces the flanking street. Five windows are provided resulting in a total window placement area of 75 square feet. |
Phase 4 (McArthur Crescent, Lane, and Diefenbaker Drive)
Material Requirements - Front Building Facade
Standard Lots
All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation with each material being no less than 50 square feet in area or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 25 square feet in area.
Large Lots
All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation with each material being no less than 75 square feet in area or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 40 square feet in area.
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This home utilizes cedar shakes along the roofline and stone accent features near the garage edges, with the balance of the facade consisting of Hardie Board siding | This home features board and batten siding along the dormers, stone accents along the veranda columns, with the balance of the front facade consisting of vinyl siding. |
Trim features may not be counted as material. In order to be included towards the required material amount, the material must be visible from the front street. Material wrapped around a column or architectural feature, facing a side or rear yard will not count towards the required material total.
The materials being used should be distinctly different and discernible from each other. Contrast with the trim materials and exterior building material being used is also encouraged.
Where builders have purchased multiple adjacent lots, a minimum of two different house models with different colour schemes and material types are encouraged.
Lot Specifics Architectural Controls
Phase 4 Lot Type Map
click on map
Phase 4 of Kensington features four lot types: Narrow Lot - Rear Lane Access, Standard Lot - Attached Garage, Walk-Out Basement Lot - Attached Garage, and Large Lot - Attached Garage.
Narrow Lot - Rear Lane Access
Narrow Lot - Rear Lane Access |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 25 to 64, Block 228Lots 7 to 29, Block 229 |
NALots 17 & 18, Block 229 |
These lots have rear lane access and are generally less than 10.4 metres (34 ft) in width. They require a smaller minimum house size and the construction of front porches and concrete garage pads. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow or bi-level
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling
- All dwelling units shall be bungalows, raised bungalows, bi-levels, or two-storeys. Split-level dwellings are not permitted;
All dwellings must be constructed with a concrete garage pad with access from the rear lane only. The concrete garage pad must be constructed at the same time the dwelling is built with a minimum dimension of 6 metres wide and 6 metres long. The concrete pad shall be located at a minimum of 1.2 metres from the rear property line, and include a paved apron that connects it to the rear property line. Note: Any garage or garage pad greater than 55 square metres is required to have their foundation drawings signed and sealed by a licensed Saskatchewan design professional;
- Approval of roof pitches will be at the discretion of Saskatoon Land, with the intent of ensuring the roof pitch complements the architectural style of the dwelling and fits with adjacent housing forms;
- All dwellings shall be constructed with front verandas. The minimum width of the front verandas for bungalows and bi-levels shall be half the width of the house façade. Two-storey dwellings shall have front verandas across the entire width of the house façade. Verandas shall be partially enclosed with railings and spindles or other type of partial enclosure; and
- All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation, with each material being no less than 75 square feet in area, or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 40 square feet in area.
Standard Lot - Attached Garage
Standard Lot - Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 1 to 18, Block 228 |
NA |
These lots are generally less than 14 metres (46 ft) in width and require a smaller minimum house size and single-wide attached garage. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow or bi-level;
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum single-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 3.5 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- Approval of roof pitches will be at the discretion of Saskatoon Land, with the intent of ensuring the roof pitch complements the architectural style of the dwelling and fits with adjacent housing forms;
- All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation, with each material being no less than 50 square feet in area, or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 25 square feet in area.
Walk-Out Basement Lot
Walk-Out Basement Lot |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 4 to 15, Block 227 |
Lot 15, Block 227 |
These lots require a larger minimum house size and double-wide attached garage. These lots have also been graded to accommodate the design of a walk-out basement into the dwelling. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a bungalow, bi-level or split-level dwelling;
- 1,500 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling;
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum-double wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 5.4 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- Approval of roof pitches will be at the discretion of Saskatoon Land, with the intent of ensuring the roof pitch complements the architectural style of the dwelling and fits with adjacent housing forms;
- All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front and rear elevation with each material being no less than 75 square feet in area or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 40 square feet in area; and
- All dwellings shall be constructed with direct access from the basement level to the backyard (“walkout units”);
Large Lot - Attached Garage
Large Lot - Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 1 to 3, Block 227Lots 19 to 24, 65 to 70, Block 228Lots 1 to 6, Block 229 |
Lot 1, Block 227Lots 19,24, 65 & 70, Block 228Lots 1 & 6, Block 229 |
These lots require a larger minimum house size and double-wide attached garage. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which has an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a bungalow, bi-level or split-level dwelling;
- 1,500 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling;
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum double-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 5.4 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- Approval of roof pitches will be at the discretion of Saskatoon Land, with the intent of ensuring the roof pitch complements the architectural style of the dwelling and fits with adjacent housing forms; and
- All dwellings require a minimum of two exterior building materials on the front elevation, with each building material being no less than 75 square feet in area, or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 40 square feet.
Highly Visible Lots
Lots 1 & 15, Block 227
Lots 19,24, 65 & 70, Block 228
Lots 1,6,17 & 18, Block 229
In order to improve the pedestrian streetscape and break up the monotony of a featureless side building wall, all corner lots and lots that are highly visible from a public area have the following requirement:
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, a secondary exterior building material is required, being no less than 40 square feet in area; and
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, window and/or door placement shall be provided at an area no less than five percent of the area of the side building wall.
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50 square feet of stone is provided on the side building facade, which faces the flanking street. Three windows are provided along the side building wall having a total area of 32 square feet. | 80 square feet of cedar plank is provided along the side building elevation, which faces the flanking street. Five windows are provided resulting in a total window placement area of 75 square feet. |
Phase 5 (Nightingale Road, Bay, and Cove)
Landscape & Driveway Requirement
Front yard landscaping and front driveways are mandatory to improve the curb appeal of newly built dwellings in Kensington.
The work is completed within 18 months of the building permit issuance date and the dwelling/site must comply with all Architectural Controls, Landscape requirement standards, and Driveway requirement standards to the satisfaction of Saskatoon Land.
Material Requirements - Front Building Facade
Standard Lots
All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation with each material being no less than 50 square feet in area or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 25 square feet in area.
Large Lots
All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation with each material being no less than 75 square feet in area or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 40 square feet in area.
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This home utilizes cedar shakes along the roofline and stone accent features near the garage edges, with the balance of the facade consisting of Hardie Board siding | This home features board and batten siding along the dormers, stone accents along the veranda columns, with the balance of the front facade consisting of vinyl siding. |
Trim features may not be counted as material. In order to be included towards the required material amount, the material must be visible from the front street. Material wrapped around a column or architectural feature, facing a side or rear yard will not count towards the required material total.
The materials being used should be distinctly different and discernible from each other. Contrast with the trim materials and exterior building material being used is also encouraged.
Where builders have purchased multiple adjacent lots, a minimum of two different house models with different colour schemes and material types are encouraged.
Phase 5 Lot Type Map
click on map
Phase 5 of Kensington features two lot types: Standard Lot - Attached Garage and Large Lot - Attached Garage.
Standard Lot - Attached Garage
Standard Lot - Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
LOTS 1 TO 7, BLOCK 230LOTS 71 TO 101, BLOCK 228 |
LOTS 1 & 7, BLOCK 230 |
These lots are generally less than 14 metres (46 ft) in width and require a smaller minimum house size and single-wide attached garage. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow or bi-level;
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum single-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 3.5 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- Approval of roof pitches will be at the discretion of Saskatoon Land, with the intent of ensuring the roof pitch complements the architectural style of the dwelling and fits with adjacent housing forms;
- All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation, with each material being no less than 50 square feet in area, or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 25 square feet in area.
Large Lot - Attached Garage
Large Lot - Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
LOTS 8 TO 29, BLOCK 230 |
LOTS 8,18,19, & 29, BLOCK 230 |
These lots require a larger minimum house size and double-wide attached garage. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which has an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a bungalow, bi-level or split-level dwelling;
- 1,500 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling;
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum double-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 5.4 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- Approval of roof pitches will be at the discretion of Saskatoon Land, with the intent of ensuring the roof pitch complements the architectural style of the dwelling and fits with adjacent housing forms; and
- All dwellings require a minimum of two exterior building materials on the front elevation, with each building material being no less than 75 square feet in area, or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 40 square feet.
Highly Visible Lots
LOTS 1 TO 7,8,18,19,& 29, BLOCK 230
LOTS 1 & 7, BLOCK 228
In order to improve the pedestrian streetscape and break up the monotony of a featureless side building wall, all corner lots and lots that are highly visible from a public area have the following requirement:
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, a secondary exterior building material is required, being no less than 40 square feet in area; and
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, window and/or door placement shall be provided at an area no less than five percent of the area of the side building wall.
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50 square feet of stone is provided on the side building facade, which faces the flanking street. Three windows are provided along the side building wall having a total area of 32 square feet. | 80 square feet of cedar plank is provided along the side building elevation, which faces the flanking street. Five windows are provided resulting in a total window placement area of 75 square feet. |
Phase 6 (Antonini Court)
Landscape & Driveway Requirement
Front yard landscaping and front driveways are mandatory to improve the curb appeal of newly built dwellings in Kensington.
The work needs to be completed within 24 months of the building permit issuance date and the dwelling/site must comply with all Architectural Controls, Landscape requirement standards, and Driveway requirement standards to the satisfaction of Saskatoon Land.
Material Requirements - Front Building Facade
Standard Lots
All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation with each material being no less than 50 square feet in area or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 25 square feet in area.
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This home utilizes cedar shakes along the roofline and stone accent features near the garage edges, with the balance of the facade consisting of Hardie Board siding | This home features board and batten siding along the dormers, stone accents along the veranda columns, with the balance of the front facade consisting of vinyl siding. |
Trim features may not be counted as material. In order to be included towards the required material amount, the material must be visible from the front street. Material wrapped around a column or architectural feature, facing a side or rear yard will not count towards the required material total.
The materials being used should be distinctly different and discernible from each other. Contrast with the trim materials and exterior building material being used is also encouraged.
Where builders have purchased multiple adjacent lots, a minimum of two different house models with different colour schemes and material types are encouraged.
Architecturally Significant Garage Doors
The dwelling’s design contributes to the general appeal of any residential area. Garage doors make up a significant portion of the facade of any attached garage home. Any home with a front-or rear-attached garage requires a garage door style that complement the home’s exterior. The garage door must include some architectural features including, but not limited to:
Inset Windows: |
Decorative pane glass |
Natural Woods |
Double Door: Minimum of three windows Single Door: Minimum of three windows unless installing two windows horizontally at the top |
Wide trim pieces (e.g. carriage style) |
Aluminum and Glass |
Hardware and handles can be used on garage doors but are not counted towards the garage door architectural elements.
Full-width windows or trellis above garage doors are permitted and count towards the garage door architectural elements.
Wood tone garage doors (without windows) are permitted if the wood tone garage door compliments a structural architectural element on the dwelling such as columns or exposed beams.
Acceptable Garage Door Examples
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Wood garage door (without windows) are permitted if the wood tone garage door compliments a structural architectural element on the dwelling such as columns or exposed beams. |
Unacceptable Garage Door Examples
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Garage doors with random window spacings are not permitted. |
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Garage doors with or without grove details and no windows are not permitted. |
Note: Garage door supplier and model information must be submitted along with your architectural controls application form. Garage doors will be reviewed and approved. Please include photos or brochures to help explain the garage door that will be installed.
Lot Specifics Architectural Controls
Phase 6 Lot Type Map
Phase 6 of Kensington features two lot types: Standard Lot – Attached Garage and Standard Walkout Basement Lot – Attached Garage.
Standard Lot – Attached Garage
Standard Lot - Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 1 to 28, Block 233 |
Lots 1, 14, 15, & 28, Block 233 |
The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow or bi-level; or
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling.
- For multi-unit dwellings, and duplex or semi-detached, these minimum floor areas apply to each dwelling. Split-level dwellings are NOT permitted.
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum single-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 3.5 metres wide and 6.0 metres long.
- All dwellings shall be constructed with an architecturally significant entry feature which may include a covered veranda, a covered entry feature or a modern contemporary interpretation of a pergola. For duplexes or semi-detached dwellings, one dwelling must have a covered entry feature. In the event that columns are used, column styles should be consistent with the overall architectural style of the dwelling, preferably 10" x 10" or greater.
- There is no roof pitch requirement; however, the roof pitch should complement the architectural style of the dwelling and be consistent with the intent of strengthening the streetscape and harmonizing the interface between housing forms.
- All attached garages require architecturally significant garage doors consistent with the architectural style of the dwelling.
- The undersides of raised entries, verandas, and stair systems must be fully enclosed.
- All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior dwelling materials of different colour on the front elevation with each material being no less than 50 square feet in area, or a minimum of three different exterior dwelling materials with each material being no less than 25 square feet in area. See Highly Visible Lots section below for more details. For duplexes and semi-detached dwellings, each unit must meet or exceed the minimum requirements above. The same front elevation shall NOT be repeated on the adjoining dwelling.
Standard Walkout Basement Lot – Attached Garage
Standard Walkout Basement Lot - Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
Lots 1 to 11, Block 234 |
Lots 11, Block 234 |
The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow or bi-level; or
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling.
- For multi-unit dwellings, and duplex or semi-detached, these minimum floor areas apply to each dwelling. Split-level dwellings are NOT permitted.
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum single-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 3.5 metres wide and 6.0 metres long.
- All dwellings shall be constructed with an architecturally significant entry feature which may include a covered veranda, a covered entry feature or a modern contemporary interpretation of a pergola. For duplexes or semi-detached dwellings, one dwelling must have a covered entry feature. In the event that columns are used, column styles should be consistent with the overall architectural style of the dwelling, preferably 10" x 10" or greater.
- There is no roof pitch requirement; however, the roof pitch should complement the architectural style of the dwelling and be consistent with the intent of strengthening the streetscape and harmonizing the interface between housing forms.
- All attached garages require architecturally significant garage doors consistent with the architectural style of the dwelling.
- The undersides of raised entries, verandas, and stair systems must be fully enclosed.
- All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior dwelling materials of different colour on the front elevation with each material being no less than 50 square feet in area, or a minimum of three different exterior dwelling materials with each material being no less than 25 square feet in area. See Highly Visible Lots section below for more details. For duplexes and semi-detached dwellings, each unit must meet or exceed the minimum requirements above. The same front elevation shall NOT be repeated on the adjoining dwelling.
- All dwellings shall be constructed with direct access from the basement level to the backyard.
Highly Visible Lots
LOTS 1,14,15,28 BLOCK 233
LOT 11, BLOCK 234
In order to improve the pedestrian streetscape and break up the monotony of a featureless side building wall, all corner lots and lots that are highly visible from a public area have the following requirement:
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, a secondary exterior building material is required, being no less than 40 square feet in area; and
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, window and/or door placement shall be provided at an area no less than five percent of the area of the side building wall.
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50 square feet of stone is provided on the side building facade, which faces the flanking street. Three windows are provided along the side building wall having a total area of 32 square feet. | 80 square feet of cedar plank is provided along the side building elevation, which faces the flanking street. Five windows are provided resulting in a total window placement area of 75 square feet. |
Phase 7 (Nightingale Bend, Road, and Terrace)
Landscape & Driveway Requirement
Front yard landscaping and front driveways are mandatory to improve the curb appeal of newly built dwellings in Kensington.
The work is completed within 24 months of the building permit issuance date and the dwelling/site must comply with all Architectural Controls, Landscape requirement standards, and Driveway requirement standards to the satisfaction of Saskatoon Land.
Material Requirements - Front Building Facade
Standard Lots
All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation with each material being no less than 50 square feet in area or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 25 square feet in area.
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This home utilizes cedar shakes along the roofline and stone accent features near the garage edges, with the balance of the facade consisting of Hardie Board siding | This home features board and batten siding along the dormers, stone accents along the veranda columns, with the balance of the front facade consisting of vinyl siding. |
Trim features may not be counted as material. In order to be included towards the required material amount, the material must be visible from the front street. Material wrapped around a column or architectural feature, facing a side or rear yard will not count towards the required material total.
The materials being used should be distinctly different and discernible from each other. Contrast with the trim materials and exterior building material being used is also encouraged.
Where builders have purchased multiple adjacent lots, a minimum of two different house models with different colour schemes and material types are encouraged.
Architecturally Significant Garage Doors
The dwelling’s design contributes to the general appeal of any residential area. Garage doors make up a significant portion of the facade of any attached garage home. Any home with a front-or rear-attached garage requires a garage door style that complement the home’s exterior. The garage door must include some architectural features including, but not limited to:
Inset Windows: |
Decorative pane glass |
Natural Woods |
Double Door: Minimum of three windows Single Door: Minimum of three windows unless installing two windows horizontally at the top |
Wide trim pieces (e.g. carriage style) |
Aluminum and Glass |
Hardware and handles can be used on garage doors but are not counted towards the garage door architectural elements.
Full-width windows or trellis above garage doors are permitted and count towards the garage door architectural elements.
Wood tone garage doors (without windows) are permitted if the wood tone garage door compliments a structural architectural element on the dwelling such as columns or exposed beams.
Acceptable Garage Door Examples
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Wood garage door (without windows) are permitted if the wood tone garage door compliments a structural architectural element on the dwelling such as columns or exposed beams. |
Unacceptable Garage Door Examples
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Garage doors with random window spacings are not permitted. |
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Garage doors with or without grove details and no windows are not permitted. |
Note: Garage door supplier and model information must be submitted along with your architectural controls application form. Garage doors will be reviewed and approved. Please include photos or brochures to help explain the garage door that will be installed.
Phase 7 Lot Type Map
click on map
Phase 7 of Kensington features one lot type: Standard Lot - Attached Garage.
Standard Lot - Attached Garage
Standard Lot - Attached Garage |
Highly Visible Lot (see Highly Visible Lot section below) |
LOTS 63 - 70A, BLOCK 103Lots 24 - 51, Block 109Lots 1 & 2, Block 110LOTS 102 - 139, BLOCK 228Lots 30 - 37, block 230Lots 1 - 11, block 231Lots 1 - 34, Block 232 |
LOTS 63, 70 & 70A, BLOCK 103LOTS 27 & 51, Block 109Lot 1, Block 110Lots 118 & 139, block 228lots 30 & 37, block 230Lots 1 & 11, Block 231Lots 1, 16, 17, & 34, block 232 |
These lots are generally less than 14 metres (46 ft) in width and require a smaller minimum house size and single-wide attached garage. The architectural controls for these lots are as follows:
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,000 square feet in the case of a bungalow or bi-level;
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum single-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 3.5 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- Approval of roof pitches will be at the discretion of Saskatoon Land, with the intent of ensuring the roof pitch complements the architectural style of the dwelling and fits with adjacent housing forms;
- All dwellings require a minimum of two different exterior building materials on the front elevation, with each material being no less than 50 square feet in area, or a minimum of three exterior building materials with each material being no less than 25 square feet in area.
Highly Visible Lots
LOTS 63, 70 & 70A, BLOCK 103
LOTS 27 & 51, Block 109
Lot 1, Block 110
Lots 118 & 139, block 228
lots 30 & 37, block 230
Lots 1 & 11, Block 231
Lots 1, 16, 17, & 34, block 232
In order to improve the pedestrian streetscape and break up the monotony of a featureless side building wall, all corner lots and lots that are highly visible from a public area have the following requirement:
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, a secondary exterior building material is required, being no less than 40 square feet in area; and
- On the side building wall, closest to the flanking street or park space, window and/or door placement shall be provided at an area no less than five percent of the area of the side building wall.
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50 square feet of stone is provided on the side building facade, which faces the flanking street. Three windows are provided along the side building wall having a total area of 32 square feet. | 80 square feet of cedar plank is provided along the side building elevation, which faces the flanking street. Five windows are provided resulting in a total window placement area of 75 square feet. |
Although the development controls for each respective lot are listed in this Lot Information package, please review the development controls listed in your “Agreement for Sale” prior to initiating the section. This will help to ensure that your understanding of the development controls as listed in the Lot Information Package is in agreement with the development controls as listed in your “Agreement for Sale”.
Please be advised that if the dwelling is constructed in violation of the Development Controls set out in the Sales Agreement and as registered on Title as a Building Restrictive Covenant, the City may take legal action to require compliance. Issuance of a Building Permit will not absolve the Purchaser from meeting this requirement. Such action could result in the demolition or partial demolition of the building at the expense of the Purchaser.
Lot Information Packages
For more information on lots in Kensington please review the Kensington Lot Information Package for more details.
Saskatoon Land’s approval of dwelling plans is required prior to the submission of a building permit application. Builders are encouraged to meet with Saskatoon Land during the design stage to avoid potential delays.
The following information must be submitted to Saskatoon Land prior to the submission of a Building Permit Application:
- Completed Application Form with garage door image or brochure for attached garages and highly visible garages.
- One digital copy of the dwelling drawing package, including:
- site plan: property boundary, dwelling and garage location, garage pad and apron (if required), driveway and landscaping requirements that extend to the curb on the boulevard;
- floor plans;
- dwelling elevations: all exterior dwelling materials and square footage must be identified on the elevation plans; and
- drawings package should be unlocked and in PDF format.
To avoid delays, application forms and dwelling plans should be submitted to Saskatoon Land well in advance of applying for a Building Permit. Incomplete submissions will be set back or held until the complete application is submitted. Plans will be reviewed for adherence to the architectural controls, and Saskatoon Land may contact the applicant to discuss any required revisions. Plans which do not meet all the architectural controls will be reviewed by Saskatoon Land’s Design Review Committee. The Design Review Committee’s decision is final, and any revisions will be required to be made before approval.
Upon approval of the drawing set, Saskatoon Land will issue an approval letter to the applicant. Following this, builders may apply for their respective Building Permit. At the building permit stage, Saskatoon Land may review the Building Permit drawings again to ensure they are substantially consistent with the plans submitted during the architectural controls review process.
Periodically, Saskatoon Land will inspect the project to ensure it is in substantial accordance with the approved plans. Builders/homeowners will be responsible for correcting any deficiencies to dwelling elevations that deviate from the approved architectural control plans.
All dwellings must pass architectural inspection.
Architectural Control Application Form Please fill out the application form and send via email to: