Discretionary Use Proposal
Emmanuel Baptist Church has submitted a Discretionary Use application requesting approval to develop a Private School at 1636 Acadia Drive in the Wildwood neighbourhood. This site is zoned R1A - One Unit Residential District under Bylaw No. 8770, 2009 The City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw (Zoning Bylaw). The purpose of the R1A District is to provide for residential development in the form of one-unit dwellings as well as related community uses.
The Zoning Bylaw defines defines a Private School as "a facility which meets Provincial requirements for elementary, secondary, post-secondary or other forms of education or training, and which does not secure the majority of its funding from taxation or any governmental agency, and may include vocational and commercial schools, music or dance schools and other similar schools."
Subject to Discretionary Use approval, 1636 Acadia Drive will be permitted to operate as a Private School for up to 105 students at any one time and will occupy 5 classrooms within a portion of the existing building.
The existing building is currently occupied by a Place of Worship which is not proposed to change as part of this application.
The Place of Worship and the proposed Private School will require a total of 72 parking spaces. As identified on the Site Plan, 78 parking spaces have been provided.
Location Map
Provide Feedback
Questions and comments on this proposal are invited at this time by contacting:
Tyler Kopp, Planner