Water Meters
The City of Saskatoon provides water and sewer services to approximately 78,000 water meters that must be read and billed within City's franchise area. Each year approximately 1,000 new meters are added to the City of Saskatoon system.
When will the AMI Water Meter System be available?
The City began automatic billing from water meters using Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) in the summer of 2016. Saskatoon Water is in the process of completing the remainder of AMI meter installations. Learn more about the city-wide water meter upgrades.
Once your meter has a communication module added, your water bill will be based on what you use – no more estimates and meter readers will no longer need to access your property.
When is my meter read?
Quarterly meter reads are no longer required with the AMI system. Meters are read daily to eliminate estimates. You can also monitor your water usage using the SmartUTIL software which is accessed from your My Utility Account. Read more about how smart meters work.
How can I save money on my water bill?
Leaky toilets are the biggest culprit for high water use bills!
Leaks in toilets have been found to be the biggest culprits in causing high water bills. Often these leaks cannot be seen or heard. What should you do? The best way to test for a leaking toilet is relatively easy. Place some food coloring in the back of the tank. DO NOT FLUSH THE TOILET. Wait several minutes and see if any of the food coloring shows in the toilet bowl, indicating a leak. If you have more than one toilet, dye test them all.
To check for leaks:
- Turn off valve, and if meter continues to move, there may be a valve or meter problem.
- Turn off valve and if noise stops, you have a leak.
- If you notice a wet spot in your yard, there may be an outside leak.
- To determine whether water is leaking, be sure to turn off all water consumption devices, including humidifiers and other automatic water users. Then, go down and look at your water meter. On newer meter registers, there is a small red dial or triangle called a "leak detector" which spins when small amounts of water pass through the meter. Is the little red dial spinning on your meter? If so, you have a leak and that water is going somewhere.
Can a meter run fast?
No. All new and rebuilt meters are tested before they are installed. Meters are mechanical devices and as such wear with use. The wearing increases the internal tolerances thus allowing water to slip by either un-metered or partially metered. This creates an under registering ("slow") meter.
How can I get my meter tested for accuracy?
If you doubt the accuracy of your water meter, you may apply for a meter test. There is a fee charged for this service. This fee is retained by the utility only if the test results show the meter is registering within the acceptable accuracy limits as established by the utility. Please Note; if the test proves accurate there will be no adjustment to the bill.
How can I get a larger meter?
Often homeowners with the standard (5/8") meter, when installing underground sprinklers, are advised by irrigation suppliers to upgrade the water meter to ¾" for greater flow capacity. The cost of plumbing alterations to accept the larger meter is at the home owner's expense as well as an added service charge for the larger than standard meter. The customer must apply to a Customer Service Representative by calling the phone number listed at the top of the page. After taking the details, they will forward the request to the meter shop. The meter shop staff will provide any missing information and ask that the customer call for an appointment when the plumbing is complete.
Can I build around the meter?
The meter site must remain accessible having no permanent fixtures of any sort within one half meter (18 inches). The clear access is intended for meter removal, maintenance and troubleshooting. For all new and changed meters installed since mid 1995, tags are attached to remind owners of this requirement. See City Bylaw 7567.
Where can I find my water meter and how can I use it to check for leaks?
You usually can find your water meter in the basement of your house, toward the front wall, either in the utility room or in a closet. Your water meter can also be a useful tool in determining if you have a leak problem. On newer meter registers, there is a small red dial or triangle. This dial is a "leak detector" and will spin when small amounts of water pass through the meter. To most accurately determine whether water is leaking, be sure to turn off all water consumption devices, including humidifiers and other automatic water users. Then, go down and look at your water meter. Is the little red dial spinning? If so, you have a leak and that water is going somewhere! Toilets are the most common culprits for a leak. Try the dye test listed under "How to Read Your Meter" (above) to determine if that is your problem. If you are unable to locate your leak, call a plumber. It may save you money in the long run.
What am I responsible for maintaining in my house?
The City of Saskatoon will maintain the water meter and curb cock. The homeowner is responsible for everything else.