Utility Rates
If you're ready to say good-bye to your paper utility bill, it's easy to make the switch over to paperless eBill today!
Saskatoon Light & Power Electrical Rates and Fees
The City of Saskatoon sets its utility rates to match those established by SaskPower, and includes the Municipal Surcharge charged by SaskPower. This is to create fairness in rates and equality between utility customers regardless of whether they live within the Saskatoon Light & Power or SaskPower’s service areas.
Visit saskatoon.ca/ElectricalRates for more information about Saskatoon Light & Power fees and rates.
Saskatoon Water & Wastewater Utility Rates
2024 Monthly Water & Wastewater Utility Rates
Waste Utility Rates
The City of Saskatoon provides essential waste management services to support a clean and sustainable community. To fund these services, residential utility bills include charges for garbage, organics and recycling collection.
Consumption Calculators - Utility Rates
To ensure transparency and to provide information for residential and commercial utility customers, we've made it easier for you to have more detailed rates information - if and when you want it. Explore the new easy-to-use Consumption Calculators below to view a snapshot of the rates used to calculate your electrical and water charges. Utility rates and tiered charges where applicable will also be shown.
If you have questions regarding any part of your utility bill, please email revenue@saskatoon.ca or contact one of our Corporate Revenue Customer Service Representatives at 306-975-2400.
Consumption Calculator - View Your Electrical Rates
Consumption Calculator - View Your Water Rates