Special Event Forms & Permits
Event organizers are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations. The Special Event Interdepartmental Committee and Allocations Office will work with you to determine which permits, licenses and inspections are required for your event.
Please note that many departments and regulators require 30-90 days to review applications before they can provide approvals or scheduled inspections.
Event organizers are responsible for charges and fees related to obtaining the necessary permits and licenses. The following permits, licenses and inspections may be required for your event:
Amplified Sound & Noise Bylaw Extension Notifications
All events with a Noise Bylaw Extension and some events with amplified sound within the Noise Bylaw hours will be required to provide Amplified Sound & Noise Bylaw Extension Notifications to all residents and businesses within a two-block radius of the event a minimum two weeks prior to the event. This notification must include dates and times of the event.
The notification release is required for buildings with multi-unit dwellings and must be returned to the Special Event webmail 10 days before your event.
Drone Use
Find out more about drone use in civic parks.
Fireworks Permit
If your event plans to have fireworks, please fill out the Fireworks Event Application Form and review the Safety Instructions for Firing Commercial Fireworks.
If you require further information, please contact the Fire Department Prevention & Inspection Division at (306) 975-2578.
Motorized Vehicle In Parks Permit
Motorized vehicles are not permitted within City of Saskatoon parks as per The Recreation and Parks Usage Bylaw. A Motorized Vehicle in Parks Permit is required to operate approved motorized vehicles within City of Saskatoon parks (this includes: golf carts, gators and all regular vehicles).
For additional guidelines, please refer to page 13 in the City of Saskatoon Outdoor Special Event Information Guide.
Noise Bylaw Extension
Event organizers are responsible for the monitoring and control of noise resulting from their event. Outdoor events that are open for the public to attend, can request an extension to the Noise Bylaw.
Outdoor public events on private property that occur outside the Noise Bylaw hours are required to request an extension by submitting an Outdoor Event Noise Bylaw Extension Request Web Form Please note: Requests must be submitted a minimum of 60 days prior to the event date.
Outdoor public events on civic property that occur outside the Noise Bylaw hours are required to fill out an Outdoor Event Application Form and submit to specialevents@saskatoon.ca. Make your request at least six weeks prior to your event.
Please note: Private events occurring outdoors, whether on civic or private property, are not eligible to receive a noise bylaw extension.
Noise Bylaw hours are:
Days |
Time |
Monday - Thursday |
11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. |
Friday - Saturday |
11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. |
Sunday & Statutory Holidays |
1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. |
Permit to Burn
A Permit to Burn is required to set an open-air fire as part of a block party, community event or similar function or celebrations. Open-air fires must adhere to The Fire and Protective Services Bylaw No. 7990, Section 18. If you require more information, please contact (306) 975-2578.
A photograph of the fire pit must be submitted with the application form.
Police Assistance
Events requiring Police Assistance must complete the SPS Special Event Assistance Application Form and submit for approval. This may be submitted in person to SPS Headquarters located at #76 25th St East – Attention: Special Events Coordinator or by email to special.events@police.saskatoon.sk.ca
An Outdoor Special Event contract does not guarantee Police Assistance approval.
River Use Permit
When considering an event on the river, whether sporting, recreational, public event or any other activity where vessels will operate, the organizer must contact Transport Canada - Office of Boating Safety at 1 (888) 463-0521 or email obs-pnr-bsn@tc.gc.ca. They will advise you if a Vessel Operation Restriction Regulation (VORR) permit and/or a Navigation Protection review of the event/activity, is required. For more information, please refer to the Transports Canada Local Authorities Guide for Vessel Operations Restriction Regulation.
Road Closure Notifications
All events with a road or lane closure will be required to provide Road Closure Notifications to all residents and businesses within the closed areas, including any areas that may become boxed in due to the closures, a minimum two weeks prior to the event. This notification must include dates and times of the event.
The notification release is required for buildings with multi-unit dwellings and must be returned to the Special Event webmail 10 days before your event.
Site Inspection
A pre-event site meeting may be required prior to the special event. The City of Saskatoon's Outdoor Special Event Programmer will be in contact with the event organizer to set up an on-site meeting. The on-site meeting will occur at least 7 days prior to the event and will allow for review of vehicle access, the site map and amenities.
Special Occasions (Alcohol) Permit
Special Occasions Permits must be approved through the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) Head Office. It is important that you apply for the permit well in advance of your event to ensure there is adequate processing time.
Requirements when applying for Special Occasions Permit for Special Events:
- City Municipal Approval
- written municipal approval must be submitted respecting all outdoor functions. SLGA cannot provide a Special Occasion Permit without the City's municipal approval.
- Fill out the Request for Municipal Approval for Special Occasion Liquor Permit and submit via email to city.clerks@saskatoon.ca or mail to:
City Clerks Office
c/o City Hall
222 3rd Avenue North
Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5
- Site Plan
- SLGA head office will make the determination if a site plan is required when reviewing the application
- SLGA head office will make the determination if a site plan is required when reviewing the application
- Enclosure - Events over 500 Attendees
- the proposed permitted area must be isolated by means of an enclosure to prevent public access;
- enclosure must be constructed of a material that will not allow containers of beverage alcohol to be passed through or over (e.g. plastic snow fence);
- enclosure must be secured to ensure that it cannot be climbed over or pushed down to gain access; and
- enclosure must be a minimum of 5 feet high. If the barrier height is less than 5 feet, a double barrier is required with a buffer zone of at least 4 feet in width.
- Enclosure - Smaller Events
- a 4-foot rope barrier is sufficient for smaller events.
Contact SLGA Client Services Branch for more information about Special Occasions Permits at: 1 (800) 667-7565 or visit www.slga.com. Additional information can be found on page 6 and 7 in the City of Saskatoon Special Event Information Guide.
Temporary Food Permit
If you wish to provide a food and beverage service at a Special Event, a Temporary Food Permit is required by the Saskatchewan Health Authority. Visit Saskatchewan Health Authority's Temporary Food Events webpage or contact (306) 655-4605 for more information on how to apply.
Food trucks may also be present at your event, review the checklist to ensure that you, as a Special Event Coordinator, or Food Truck Operator are aware of the rules and your responsibilities.
Utility and Irrigation Line Inspection
Event organizers may use tents and other temporary structures as part of their Special Event. All tents or other structures requiring in ground stakes must have locations cleared by Sask1st Call for underground utilities (SaskPower, SaskEnergy, etc.), City of Saskatoon Facilities & Fleet Management Division for city-owned underground utilities and by the City of Saskatoon's Parks Division for underground irrigation lines.
- Contact Sask1st Call, 72 hours prior to your event at: 1 (888) 828-4888 or visit www.sask1stcall.com.
- Contact Facilities & Fleet Management Division and City of Saskatoon Parks Division, 5 business days prior to your event through this webform.
For more information on tents and air-supported structures, please:
- please reference page 16 of the Special Event Temporary Facilities, Concessions & Rides: Bulletin 12-11; and
- or contact the Saskatoon Fire Department - Prevention and Investigation Division at (306) 975-2578.