Accessibility Plan
The City of Saskatoon is committed to creating an inclusive community where everyone can thrive.
Over the next year, one of our goals is to create an accessibility plan that reflects the needs and experiences of all residents. While this is a requirement through the Accessible Saskatchewan Act, the City of Saskatoon recognizes our responsibility to find, fix, and remove barriers so that everyone, especially people with accessibility needs, can be part of strong and inclusive communities. There has been much work over the years to improve access and services for residents, however we acknowledge that there is always room for improvement. The City of Saskatoon needs to have an accessibility plan in place by December 3, 2025.
The following information is your guide to Saskatoon’s journey towards greater accessibility and inclusion. Here, you can share, learn, and help build a barrier-free community where everyone’s potential is celebrated.
A Note About Language
At the City of Saskatoon, we are committed to creating an inclusive and respectful community, and the way we use language is an important part of this. We try to use words that reflect and respect the diversity of the people we serve. When talking about accessibility needs, we want everyone to feel respected, heard, and valued. We know that different people and groups may have different preferences, and that language can change over time. We use first-person language and the term people with disabilities, based on the Accessible Saskatchewan Act. We understand that some of the words we use may not fit how everyone prefers to be described. We are open to learning and adjusting as we continue to work toward making our city welcoming and fair for all.

Developing our New Accessibility Plan
An overview of our commitment and approach to developing the City's accessibility plan.
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The Accessible Saskatchewan Act (Bill 103)
An brief overview of the Accessible Saskatchewan Act (Bill 103) and what it means.
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Community Consultation
How the City plans to consultant residents and employees on the City's Accessibility Plan.
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