Downtown Saskatoon
Ohtennah, “the collective heart” of Saskatoon
The City Centre and District serve as the geographical and metaphorical Ohtennah, the “collective heart” of Saskatoon. What happens in the City Centre and District has a direct impact on the rest of the city.
City Centre and District Plan to be discussed at the Governance and Priorities Committee September 11th meeting.
The City Centre and District Plan (Plan) provides the roadmap for Saskatoon’s City Centre and District. The ultimate outcome for the City Centre and District is to be a place that reflects all of Saskatoon – now and into the future. A safe and vibrant Downtown is a welcoming and inclusive place for all people to come together in a cooperative spirit.
Developing and re-envisioning Downtown Saskatoon has been identified as a priority area in the City’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan. The creation and support of a vibrant downtown supports a strong economy, creates a sense of community, and provides a place for people to come together, in addition to attracting more people to live Downtown.
While the event centre-arena and expanded convention centre are anchors for the District, the City Centre and District Plan is the much broader geographic and thematic plan to revitalize the entire Downtown through land uses, connections, green spaces and other approaches. It will be important with or without the anchor facilities as a platform for creating the conditions needed to create a vibrant Downtown Saskatoon.
City Centre Plan (2013)
Approved in 2013, the purpose of the City Centre Plan project was to develop a new comprehensive Plan for the Downtown and adjacent areas situated along the key corridors of Broadway Avenue, 20th Street West and College Drive. With the development of the Downtown Event and Entertainment District it was decided to revisit the City Centre Plan in conjunction with the District to create on comprehensive plan for the entire Downtown.
Downtown Zoning Review
Zoning has a role to play in unlocking Downtown's potential and supporting transformative growth. The B6 - Downtown Commercial District is the primary Downtown zoning district and includes most of its land area. It permits a broad range of land uses and building types in flexible, high-density forms.
The City is undergoing a comprehensive review and update of the B6 District's regulations to reflect current building practices, emphasize flexibility while ensuring a high-quality built environment, align with strategic directions for the Downtown, and encourage development. Find out how you can engage with the team on the review at the project's Engage Page.
Projects and Initiatives
So much is happening Downtown - please check out our page outlining projects and initiatives that help set the stage for the area.
Downtown Saskatoon - Urban with a Prairie Heart
Those who live, work, play and do business in our City Centre know it as a vibrant, dynamic place that reflects who we are as a city. Learn more:
Downtown Saskatoon: Urban with a Prairie Heart.pdf
(revised September 2022)
Print copies are available from Downtown Saskatoon.
Downtown Partner Organizations
- Downtown Saskatoon Business Improvement District
- Discover Saskatoon (formerly Tourism Saskatoon)
- Meewasin Valley Authority