Community Programs
Curbside Swap
At a curbside swap, place your unwanted items in good condition on your property (next to the side walk or curb) and mark them as free for anyone to pick up or Go out on a treasure hunt of your own to find what your neighbors are giving away for free !!!
Assisted Waste Collections
This program helps residents with mobility restrictions get their carts (black, blue, and green) to the curb on collection days. The service is available to residents living in single-family homes with curbside waste collection.
Newcomer and EAL Recycling and Composting Workshops
The City of Saskatoon Partners with the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council to deliver Newcomer Recycling, Composting and Waste Reduction Workshops. These FREE workshops educate newcomers, especially those with English as an Additional Language (EAL), about household recycling and waste management.
Waste Reduction Wagon
The Waste Reduction Wagon is a mobile trailer used at festivals, events, and other public locations to facilitate learning about waste diversion.
School Education
The City’s recycling service providers, Cosmopolitan Industries (Cosmo) and Loraas Recycle, provide recycling education at their facilities.