Collection Calendar
Unexpected Reminder delayed notifications
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and understand the impact it may have on receiving the reminder notification. We will continue to provide updates make progress towards a solution.
Get your calendar the way you want it!
- Get the app - Download the Saskatoon Waste Wizard app on your smart device from Google Play or the App Store. Notifications available in multiple languages.
- Sign up for reminders - We'll remind you by email or phone the day before your collection. You can also save your calendar electronically in your Outlook, iCal or Google calendar.
- Print your own - Download and print your personalized calendar. You can only print 12 months, so if you wish to print January—December, you will have to wait until January 1.
Search your address below to get started.
Need help? Call the Service Saskatoon Customer Care Centre at 306-975-2476 or email.
Spread the word! Already getting digital reminders? Help your family, friends, and neighbours sign up so they never miss a pickup day.
If you have already entered an address, click it again to enter a new one.