North Prairie Developments Ltd. (the applicant) has applied for an Official Community Plan (OCP) Map Amendment, a Concept Plan Map Amendment, and rezoning for the northern portion of 235 Horner Crescent in Evergreen that requires a decision by City Council at a Public Hearing.
1. OCP Map Amendment - from Residential to District Village
All property in the City of Saskatoon is assigned a land use designation under the City of Saskatoon’s Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 9700. Land use designations establish the general use and character of a site or area to help ensure that development takes place in an orderly, rational manner. Each land use designation is distinct in its purpose and density/intensity of use.
The applicant has applied to amend the OCP land use designation from “Residential” to “District Village” for the northern portion of 235 Horner Cres. Land designated as “Residential” has the potential for residential development and community uses compatible within a neighbourhood setting.
Land designated as “District Village” has the potential for a mix of low to medium density residential, commercial, institutional, and community uses. District Villages serve the basic needs of the surrounding two to five neighbourhoods, providing focal points of transit-oriented commercial development.
2. Evergreen Concept Plan Amendment - from Low/Medium Density Multi Unit to Mixed Use
The applicant is proposing to amend the Evergreen Concept Plan land use map for the northern portion of 235 Horner Crescent from “Low/Medium Density Multi Unit” to “Mixed Use”.
3. Rezoning - from RMTN1 to B4A
The subject property is currently zoned RMTN1 – Medium Density Townhouse Residential District 1, which provides for comprehensively planned medium density multiple-unit dwellings in the form of townhouses, dwellings groups, and other building forms, as well as related community uses.
The applicant is proposing to rezone the northern portion of 235 Horner Crescent to B4A – Special Suburban Centre and Arterial Commercial District. The purpose of the B4A District is to facilitate suburban centre and arterial commercial development, including mixed-use commercial/multiple-unit residential development, where appropriate.