Round 2 Engagement
What Are We Asking?
In the second round of engagement (July 2024), we want to hear and gather feedback on the proposed design options for incorporating walking and cycling facilities along Millar Avenue. Based on Round 1 engagement (March 2024), we learned from Millar Avenue property owners, business operators, members of the public and community groups, and are now excited to share the design options we developed for improving accessibility, comfort, convenience and safety of walking and cycling on Millar Avenue.
The current design options include either:
- shared-use pathways on both sides or
- a single shared-use pathway on the west side and a sidewalk on the east side of Millar Avenue.
These design options will not remove any current vehicle travel lanes.
Your feedback on the design options, in addition to other considerations (e.g. City standards, cost, best practices from other cities, objectives from the Active Transportation Plan, technical feasibility), will be used by the City to develop and inform the final design plan. This round of engagement is the second of three rounds to provide feedback on the project.
The final design is planned to be provided to the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation and City Council in 2025.
A map of the project area is located here.
How Can You Get Involved?
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Round 2 engagement activities to let us know your thoughts and comments on the Connecting Millar Avenue Project.
More details about Round 3 engagement will be added to the engage webpage as the project progresses.
Please do not hesitate to contact the project team ( if you require accommodation to complete the survey.
Contact Us
Please visit this page for future engagement opportunities or use the following methods to reach out to the project team. Comments and questions can also be provided by email, telephone, or mail using the contact information below.
City of Saskatoon |
Attn: City of Saskatoon, Connecting Millar Avenue Project |
222 3rd Avenue North |
Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5 |
Phone Number: 306-975-2476 |
Email: |