Junction Improvement Strategy
The Junction is located at the cross section of three Saskatoon neighbourhoods, Pleasant Hill, Riversdale, and West Industrial, separated by the CP Rail line. Its proximity to larger redevelopment projects such as the Pleasant Hill Village, Monarch Yards, Station 20 West and increased interest by the private sector for redevelopment triggered the need for a comprehensive concept plan for the area.
The Junction Improvement Strategy outlines City improvements and land use plans in the area immediately surrounding Pleasant Hill Village, such as:
- Pedestrian safety improvements at intersections along 20th Street and elsewhere.
- Streetscape improvements along 20th Street.
- Lands across the rail tracks to the south transitioning away from heavy industrial use.
- Building the multi-use pathway along the CP Rail line to connect to Downtown and beyond.
The Public Engagement Summary outlines results from 2012 consultations.
Between 2001-2008, City Council adopted three comprehensive neighbourhood plans through the local area planning process. Pleasant Hill, Riversdale and West Industrial Local Area Plans (LAPs) all recommended numerous incremental improvements in these mature neighbourhoods. The Pleasant Hill LAP focused on safety and reversing the effects of socio-economic decline, the Riversdale LAP focused on the renewal of the historical 20th Street business district and larger improvements near the river, while the West Industrial LAP focused on formalizing the historic industrial area by improving traffic flow and infrastructure, recognizing its future desirability once a South Bridge was built.
In 2006, the City initiated a major land redevelopment project totaling 13 acres within the Pleasant Hill neighbourhood. The Pleasant Hill Village, as it is now referred to, was completed in 2024 and included the development of housing, the creation of new seniors housing units, a new elementary school and health centre and new park/amenity space.
- Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
- Saskatchewan Housing
- Knights of Columbus
- Saskatoon Health Region
- CHEP Good Food