Affected area:
802 and 816 Queen Street, 614 to 630 8th Avenue North, even addresses, and 619 to 627 9th Avenue North, odd addresses. Notices have been delivered to affected addresses.
Time of outage reported:
Estimated time for restored power:
  • Power is expected to be restored by approximately 1:00 p.m.
Electrical crews are:
  • Performing maintenance to electrical equipment
Reason(s) for outage:
  • Planned outage
Messages for customers:
  • We thank you for your patience as we work as quickly as possible to restore your power.
  • If you have questions, comments or concerns please call SL&P at 306-975-2414.
  • Follow the City on Twitter or sign up for Service Alerts at to receive the most up-to-date information about this power outage and other services throughout the City.
Neighbourhood affected:
City Park