Discretionary Use Proposal
A Discretionary Use Application has been submitted by Bluebell Enterprises Ltd. requesting City Council's approval to develop a boarding house with 14 units and one care-taker suite purposed to provide rental accommodations for 30 days or longer to a maximum of 14 boarders at any given time.
The live-in caretaker will be responsible for supervising and maintaining the property which would include the upkeep of landscaping and snow removal. Eight on-site parking spaces are required and provided for in the rear yard of the property. This application has been reviewed by other civic divisions and no concerns have been identified that would preclude this application from proceeding.
The subject site is zoned R2A - Low Density Residential Infill District under Bylaw No. 8770, The City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw. This zoning district is to provide for residential development in the form of one and two unit dwellings, while facilitating certain small scale conversions and infill developments, as well as related community uses. Boarding homes are considered a Discretionary Use in the R2A District.
Location Map
Provide Feedback
Questions and comments on this proposal are invited at this time by contacting
Tanner Halonen, Planner
Appropriate alternatives to public information meetings are being evaluated in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the response to this proposal, next steps in the engagement process will be determined.