Dream Developments (the applicant) has applied to rezone a parcel of land on the west side of the new alignment of Brighton Boulevard, south of the Brighton Common traffic circle as shown on the map below. The subject site has also been outlined on the Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan map as shown below.
The subject site is currently undeveloped and zoned a mix of FUD – Future Urban Development District and FUD(H) – Future Urban Development District subject to the Holding Symbol. The applicant is proposing the parcel be rezoned to RMTN1 – Medium Density Townhouse Residential District 1.
The purpose of the FUD District is to provide for interim land uses where the future use of land or the timing of development is uncertain due to issues of servicing, transitional use or market demand.
The purpose of the RMTN1 District is to provide for comprehensively planned medium density multiple-unit dwellings in the form of townhouses, dwelling groups, and other building forms, as well as related community uses.
The proposed zoning would provide for development that aligns with the Low Density Multi Unit Dwellings land use in the approved Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan.
Location Maps
Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan