Update: College Drive Remains Closed Friday, October 13 Expect Delays

Route Detour :

Update: College Drive remains closed Friday, October 13

The following transit routes are detouring due to a road closure near College Dr. EB. Routes 18, 40, 45, 50, and 55.

The following bus stop numbers are not being serviced due to inaccessibility, 4410, 4106, 4097, 4096, 4101, 3002, 3004, and 4411.

For real time transit information, we encourage Transit riders to use the Transit or Google Maps App. 

Messages for Customers:
  • Customers are reminded to check the Saskatoon Transit schedules to confirm the approximate time of service before venturing outdoors, and to dress for the weather in case of delays.
  • The public is reminded to allow extra time to get to their destination, especially during the morning and afternoon commutes.